2012 | Moon Bed, Symposion bedrocks, kunstwerk krastal, Austria |
Corner, exposure of a corner in the stonequarry Untersberg, Austria | |
2011 | Rota, Stallaker stonequarry, Norway |
2009–2011 | The Key and A.D., two sculptures for COLOSSAL – Kunst Fakt Fiktion, exhibition of contemporary art in the light of the 2000th anniversary of the Varus Battle, Curator Jan Hoet, Kalkriese, DE |
2004–2008 | Chapel, sculptural building of the chapel in the Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden, DE |
2004 | Table for two Couples and a Dog, Freck/Avrig, RO |
2004 | ATEM – META, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus/Kulturgeschichtliches Museum, installation on top of the roof of Villa Schlikker and in the Anette Röhr Gallery, Osnabrück, DE |
2001 | Sonic, sculpture for Sonsbeek 9, Lokus – Fokus, generaldirector Jan Hoet, Arnhem, NL |
2000 | Loh and Cor, site specific sculpture and video/sound sculpture for 3 Räume – 3 Flüsse, Curator Jan Hoet, Hann. Münden, DE |
1999 | The Mountain-Table, Alvier, CH |
1998 | 166 Betten – Peace and Noise, site specific sculpture and sound installation. Realisation for the art award on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Peace of Westphalia, Hagen a.T.W., DE |
1998 | Kiemen/Gills, sculptural extension of the outside area, Energie-Forum-Innovation by Frank O. Gehry, Bad Oeynhausen, DE |
1998 | Puls/Pulse, Stadt-Art, Kunst in 56 Homöopathischen Dosen, NRW Culture Office, Grevenbroich, DE |
1997 | Primary stones, historic orchard of the State Agricultural School, Klessheim Castle, Salzburg, AT |
1996 | Pole stone, sculptural installation in outside area of the Energie-Forum-Innovation by Frank O. Gehry, Bad Oeynhausen, DE |
1995 | Table of the Sea, Skagerrak, SE |
1992 | Table of the Dessert, Sierra de los Filabres, ES |
1989 | Beginning of the project ›5 Tables‹. Table of Thinking, Minden, DE |
1988–1989 | Im Inneren des Baumes/Inside the tree. From Minden to Mandö. From Germany to Denmark |
2009 | desto, Kunstraum pro arte, Hallein, AT |
2006 | Gallery Röhr and Ripken, (together with Nan Hoover), Berlin, DE |
2006 | Perlen aus Stein, Lechner Museum Ingolstadt, DE |
2005 | Tisch für zwei Paare und einen Hund /Table for two Couples and a Dog, Brukenthal Museum Sibiu and park and old glass house of Brukenthal summer residence, Freck/Avrig, RO |
2003 | Das Kabinett einer Sammlerin, Salzburg Dom Cathedral Museum, art and mirical chamber, Salzburg, AT |
1999 | Das Kongo Syndrom, Gallery Traklhaus, Salzburg, AT |
1996 | Tisch des Meeres, Gallery pro arte, Hallein, AT |
1994 | ... ein paar besonnte Steine, Siegerlandmuseum, Siegen, DE |
2016 | Cabinet d'Amis: The Accidental Collection of Jan Hoet, Hotel de la Poste, Art Brüssels, Belgium |
2015 | konkret-mehr-raum, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany |
2014 | De Zee - salut d´honneur Jan Hoet, Oostende, Belgium |
Daring to ask, Collisions with the Collection Marta, Museum MARTa Herford, DE | |
2013 | Middle gate, Gheel, Belgium |
Friends in Art 1, Tunn/Prigge, Salzburg, Austria | |
Tunn/Kotulla, Friedrichstraße 9 - Klingeln bei Kreil, Berlin, Germany | |
2011 | Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit des Augenblicks, Works from the collection MARTa Herford, Monschau |
2010 | Unsichtbare Schatten/ Invisible Shadows, MARTa Herford, DE |
2009 | Place of Memory – Place of Vision, Museo di Roma in Trastevere and Galleria Ugo Ferranti, Rom, IT |
2007 | MARTa schweigt, Museum MARTa Herford, DE |
2007 | Skulpturenlandschaft Osnabrück (Silberwald, together with David Svoboda), DE |
2005 | (my private) Heroes, Museum MARTa Herford, DE |
2005 | Interplay. The Hafnarfjördur Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Hafnarborg, IS |
2002 | Aquaria. Über die außergewöhnliche Beziehung von Wasser und Mensch, Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum Linz (AT), und Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, DE |
2001 | Present, Museum für aktuelle Kunst, Arnheim, NL |
2000 | Ihr wart ins Wasser eingeschrieben, exhibition for the project 3 Räume – 3 Flüsse, Packhof Hann. Münden, DE |